Royal College of Surgeons Award 2017

George Mori
George studied at UCL where he was awarded a first class degree in biochemistry and gained his primary medical qualification in 2013. Upon completing foundation competencies at Bristol he entered surgical training at the Yorkshire and Humber School of Surgery, gaining membership to the Royal College of Surgeons in 2016. He achieved first prize at the official annual National Core Surgical
Trainee Skills Competition in 2017, as is currently undergoing selection for higher specialty training in general and colorectal surgery.
Ata Jaffer
Ata studied Medicine and graduated from The Hull York Medical School in 2013. Undertook Core Surgical Training at the Yorkshire and Humber Deanery, obtaining his Membership to the Royal College of Surgeons in 2016. Achieved 1st prize at the annual, National Core Surgical Trainee Competition in 2017. Due to commence Specialty Training in Urology.