Awards Lunch 2017

Donald Robinson (cellist RCM), Richard Barnes (stone carver, City & Guilds), Kheng Hoe Low (pianist, RCM) Connor Murgatroyd (artist, Chelsea College of Art), Dominic Bowe (baritone, Royal Academy of Music), Didy Grahame, Master of Awards KORT, Melaney Gibson Davies (conservator, City & Guilds), Charlotte Jaconelli (singer, ArtsEd), Elizabeth Lowe (Royal School of Needlework)

Left to right
Melaney Gibson Davies (conservator, City & Guilds), Richard Barnes (stone carver, City a& Guilds), Elizabeth Lowe (Royal School of Needlework), Donald Robinson (cellist, Royal College of Music), David Jones (Deputy Knight President), Admiral Lord West (Knight President), Connor Murgatroyd (Chelsea College of Art), Terence Mallinson (President of the Grail), Kheng Hoe Low (pianist, Royal College of Music), Dominic Bowe (baritone, Royal Academy of Music), Charlotte Jaconelli (singer, Arts Education Schools of London)

Merry reaction from the audience when the Knight President asked Connor Murgatroyd why his paintings didn’t include heads on his people. ‘I don’t do heads’ he’d responded…