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Callum Dixon - Update from Alan Hinds, East London Scouts
Dear Didy, .... I thought I would share some positive news. One of our Scouts who attended the dedication service in the past is racing...
Andrew Ang -2023 Surgical Skills Awardee
Originally from Singapore, Andrew came to the UK in 2014 to study medicine at the University of Sheffield. Upon obtaining his medical...
Ada Maria Krzak - 2023 Surgical Skills Award
Born in Poland and raised in Denmark, I graduated with distinction from the University of Cambridge in 2020, just in time to join the NHS...
James Marshman: Joint winner of Louis Solomon Award for Surgical Skills from the Royal College
Dr. James Marshman An update: I completed my undergraduate medical education at the University of Exeter Medical School, graduating in...
Angus White: Joint winner of Louis Solomon Award for Surgical Skills from the Royal College Surgeons
Dr. Angus White An update: I completed my undergraduate medical education at the University of Exeter Medical School, graduating in 2018....
Gregor Milne (Arts Ed) - 28 06 2022 Update
Gregor Milne (Arts Ed) Has now left Arts Ed and is touring in the hugely acclaimed The Girl from the North Country in the role of Gene. ...

Surgical Skills Competion Winners
Dr. Gerard McKnight is a Royal Navy ST4 General Surgery Registrar currently training in the Wales Deanery. He graduated from the...

Lucy Colquhoun Wins The Day!
KORT awardee Lucy Colquhoun from the Royal College of Music wins every prize for Vocal Accompaniment and joins Park Lane Group Young...

Lauren Reeve-Rawlings' French Horn Dreams
Lauren Reeve-Rawlings was selected for our Award to The Guildhall School of Music & Drama in 2012. The Society also provided from our...

Amanda McLeod's Conservation Studies
Amanda Mcleod was born and brought up within a Canadian Indian tribe and wants to dedicate her skills of historical conservation and...
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